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 hunger or thirst for My sake; happy are ye。” Oh; madam; when you put bread and cheese; instead of burnt porridge; into these children’s mouths; you may indeed feed their vile bodies; but you little think how you starve their immortal souls!”

Mr。 Brocklehurst again paused—perhaps overe by his feelings。 Miss Temple had looked down when he first began to speak to her; but she now gazed straight before her; and her face; naturally pale as marble; appeared to be assuming also the coldness and fixity of that material; especially her mouth; closed as if it would have required a sculptor’s chisel to open it; and her brow settled gradually into petrified severity。

Meantime; Mr。 Brocklehurst; standing on the hearth with his hands behind his back; majestically surveyed the whole school。 Suddenly his eye gave a blink; as if it had met something that either dazzled or shocked its pupil; turning; he said in more rapid accents than he had hitherto used—

“Miss Temple; Miss Temple; what—what is that girl with curled hair? Red hair; ma’am; curled—curled all over?” And extending his cane he pointed to the awful object; his hand shaking as he did so。

“It is Julia Severn;” replied Miss Temple; very quietly。

“Julia Severn; ma’am! And why has she; or any other; curled hair? Why; in defiance of every precept and principle of this house; does she conform to the world so openly—here in an evangelical; charitable establishment—as to wear her hair one mass of curls?”