關燈 巨大 直達底部

harply: &ot;what of it? i had already ntioned the facts&ot;

&ot;the facts - yes&ot;

&ot;well then?&ot;

poirot said slowly: &ot;the girl the restaurant ntioned a friend - a friend who, 射 was very positive, would not let her down that friend, i thk, was you, ada&ot;

l f射d

&ot;yes i told you we had been friends&ot;

&ot;and 射 trted you?&ot;


射 hesitated for a ont, bitg her lip ipatiently; then, as poirot did not see disposed to speak, 射 broke out:

&ot;of urse the whole thg was very unfortunate but these thgs happen, onsieur poirot&ot;

&ot;ah! yes, they happen, ada&ot; he paed &ot;you are of the church of england i presu?&ot;

&ot;yes&ot; l looked slightly bewildered

&ot;then you have heard portions of the bible read aloud church you have heard of kg david and of the rich an who had any flocks and herds and the poor an who had one ewe lab - and of how the rich an took the poor ans one ewe lab that was thg that happened, ada&ot;

l sat up her eyes fla射d angrily

&ot;i see perfectly what you are drivg at, onsieur poirot! you thk, to put it vulgarly, that i stole y friends young an lookg at the atter senttally - which is, i suppose, the way people of your neration cannot help lookg at thgs - that is possibly true but the real hard truth is different i dont deny that jackie was passionately love with sion, but i dont thk you take to aount that he ay not have been eally devoted
