關燈 巨大 直達底部

poirot said, &ot;you an adeoiselle de bellefort?&ot;

&ot;射, certaly but it is not of her i speak there was one else on this boat who disliked ada, who was very angry becae of the way ada had jured hi&ot;

&ot;good lord!&ot; sion excd &ot;whats all this?&ot;

louise went on, still ephatically noddg her head with the utost vigour

&ot;yes, yes, yes, it is as i say! it ncerns the forr aid of ada - y predecesr there was a an, one of the eners on this boat, who wanted her to arry hi and y predecesr, arie her na was, 射 would have done but ada doyle, 射 ade iries and 射 disvered that this fleeood already he had a wife - a wife of lour you understand, a wife of this untry 射 had gone back to her own people, but he was still arried to her, you understand and ada 射 told all this to arie, and arie 射 was very unhappy and 射 would not see fleeood any ore and this fleeood, he was furiated, and when he found out that this ada doyle had forrly been adeoiselle l ridway he tells that he would like to kill her! her terference rued his life, he said&ot;

louise paed triuphantly

&ot;this is terestg,&ot; said race

poirot turned to sion

&ot;had you any idea of this?&ot;

&ot;none whatever,&ot; sion replied with patent scerity &ot;i doubt if l even knew the an was on the boat 射 had probably fotten all about the cident&ot;

he turned sharply to the aid

&ot;did you say anythg to rs doyle about this?&ot;

&ot;no, onsieur, o
