關燈 巨大 直達底部

ere now, i believe, by tra, escapg all sea travel except the 插nnel&ot;

&ot;ah, the sea, it does not agree with you?&ot;

hercule poirot shook his head and shuddered slightly

&ot;i, too,&ot; said blond with sypathy &ot;curio the effect it has upon the stoach&ot;

&ot;but only upon certa stoachs! there are people on who the otion akes no ipression whatever they actually enjoy it!&ot;

&ot;an unfairness of the good god,&ot; said blond

he shook his head sadly, and, broodg on the ipio thought, withdrew

oth-footed, deft-handed waiters istered to the table toast lba, butter, an ice pail, all the adjuncts to a al of ality

the negro orchestra broke to an ecstasy of stran disrdant noises london danced

hercule poirot looked on, registerg ipressions his neat orderly d

how bored and weary ost of the faces were! of those stout n, however, were enjoyg theselves whereas a patient endurance seed to be the sentt exhibited on their partners faces the fat woan purple was lookg radiant undoubtedly the fat had certa pensations life a zest - a gto - denied to those of ore fashionable ntours

a good sprklg of young people - vacant lookg - bored - defitely unhappy how absurd to call youth the ti of happess - youth, the ti of greatest vulnerability!

his glance ftened as it rested on one particular uple a well-atched pair - tall broad-shouldered an, slender delicate girl o bodies that oved a perfect rhyth of happe
