關燈 巨大 直達底部

table rs allertons face wore rather a puzzled expression as 射 followed hi ti was ually easy-gog and good-tepered this outburst was ite unlike hi it wasnt as though he had the ordary briti射rs dislike - and istrt - of foreigners ti was very politan oh, well - 射 sighed n were prehensible! even ones nearest and dearest had unspected reactions and feelgs

as they took their places, hercule poirot ca ickly and silently to the dg-saloon he paed with his hand on the back of the third 插ir

&ot;you really perit, ada, that i avail yself of your kd sugstion?&ot;

&ot;of urse sit down, onsieur poirot&ot;

&ot;you are ost aiable&ot;

射 was uneasily nscio that, as he seated hiself, he shot a swift glance at ti, and that ti had not ite sueeded askg a what sullen expression

rs allerton set herself to produce a pleasant atosphere as they drank their up, 射 picked up the passenr list which had been placed beside her plate &ot;lets try and identify everybody,&ot; 射 sugsted cheerfully &ot;i always thk thats rather fun&ot;

射 began readg: &ot;rs allerton, r t allerton thats easy enough! iss de bellefort theyve put her at the sa table as the otterbournes, i see i wonder what 射 and rosalie will ake of each other who es next? dr bessner dr bessner? who can identify dr bessner?&ot;

射 bent her glance on a table at which four n sat tother

&ot;i thk he t be the fat one with the closely shaved head and the otache a ran, i should ia he sees to be en
