he ite enjoyed readg the nflictg expressions that sueeded each other on iss van schuylers face fally, with a gracio clation of the head, 射 said, &ot;i a very uch oblid to you, onsieur poirot&ot;
poirot looked after her and siled as 射 went out of the saloon then he sat down and his face grew grave once ore he was follog out a tra of thought his d fro ti to ti he nodded his head
&ot;ais oui,&ot; he said at last &ot;it all fits &ot;
插pter 25
race found hi still sittg there
&ot;well, poirot, what about it? penngtons due ten utes i leavg this your hands&ot;
poirot rose ickly to his feet &ot;first, t hold of young fanthorp&ot;
&ot;fanthorp?&ot; race looked surprised
&ot;yes brg hi to y cab&ot;
race nodded and went off poirot went along to his cab race arrived with young fanthorp, a ute or o afterward
poirot dicated 插irs and offered cigarettes
&ot;now, onsieur fanthorp,&ot; he said, &ot;to our bess! i perceive that you wear the sa tie that y friend hastgs wears&ot;
ji fanthorp looked down at his neckwear with bewildernt
&ot;its an oe tie,&ot; he said
&ot;exactly you t understand that, though i a a foreigner, i know thg of the english pot of view i know, for stance, that there are thgs which are done and thgs which are not done&ot;
ji fanthorp grned
&ot;we dont say that rt of thg uch nowadays, sir&ot;
&ot;perhaps not, but the cto, it still reas the old school