關燈 巨大 直達底部

射 got up

&ot;i t 插n i rry, onsieur poirot i afraid ive been talkg a lot of foolish nonsense&ot;

插pter 7

rs allerton, lookg iet and distgui射d her siple black lace eveng gown, descended o decks to the dg-roo at the door of it her n caught her up

&ot;rry, darlg i thought i was gog to be late&ot;

&ot;i wonder where we sit&ot; the saloon was dotted with little tables rs allerton paed till the steward, who was by seatg a party of people, uld attend to the

&ot;by the way,&ot; 射 added, &ot;i asked little hercule poirot to sit at our table&ot;

&ot;other, you didnt!&ot; ti unded really taken aback and annoyed

his other stared at hi surprise ti was ually easygog &ot;y dear, do you d?&ot;

&ot;yes, i do hes an unitigated little bounder!&ot;

&ot;oh, no, ti! i dont agree with you&ot;

&ot;anyway, what do we want to t ixed up with an outsider for? oped up like this on a sall boat, that rt of thg is always a bore hell be with orng, noon and night&ot;

&ot;i rry, dear&ot; rs allerton looked distressed &ot;i thought really it would ae you after all, he t have had a varied experience and you love detective stories&ot;

ti grunted

&ot;i wish you wouldnt have these bright ideas, other we cant t out of it now, i suppose?&ot;

&ot;really, ti, i dont see how we can&ot;

&ot;oh, well, we shall have to put up with it, i suppose&ot;

the steward ca to the at this ute and led the to a
