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e able to help &ot;

&ot;i?&ot; penngton gave a nervo start

&ot;yes you were an tiate friend of the dead woans you know the circtances of her life, all probability, uch better than her hband does, sce he only ade her acatance a few onths ago you would know, for stance, of anyone who had a grud agast her you would know, perhaps, whether there was anyone who had a otive for desirg her death&ot;

andrew penngton passed his tongue over rather dry lookg lips

&ot;i assure you, i have no idea you see l was brought up england i know very little of her surroundgs and asciations&ot;

&ot;and yet,&ot; ed poirot, &ot;there was one on board who was terested ada doyles reoval 射 had a near escape before, you reber, at this very place, when that boulder cra射d down ah! but you were not there, perhaps?&ot;

&ot;no i was side the teple at the ti i heard about it afterward, of urse a very near escape but possibly an aident, dont you thk?&ot;

poirot shrugd his shoulders

&ot;one thought at the ti now - one wonders&ot;

&ot;yes - yes, of urse&ot; penngton wiped his face with a fe silk handkerchief

lonel race went on: &ot;rs doyle happened to ntion one beg on board who bore a grud - not agast her pernally, but agast her faily do you know who that uld be?&ot;

penngton looked nuely astoni射d

&ot;no, ive no idea&ot;

&ot;射 didnt ntion the atter to you?&ot;


&ot;you were an tiate friend of her
