關燈 巨大 直達底部

of the bestseller type; to read。 She set to it。

Late afternoon became early evening without a sign of Mitch。 More

restless than bored; more concerned than angry; she wandered into the

kitchen。 But she didn't have it in her to make dinner; so she returned

to the fireplace。

Not long after; the back door opened and shut。 Heavy boots crossed the

kitchen floor。 A slicker…clad figure appeared。

Without a word he approached; shucking the slicker along the way and

draping it over a chair。 Then he hunkered down near her and added

another log to the fire。 When it had begun to sizzle and smoke; he

swiveled to face her。

〃Angry?〃 The fire behind him threw a halo around his head; but his face

was in shadow。 Unable to tell whether he empathized or taunted; she went

with the truth。

〃No。 I have no right to be angry。〃

〃I needed to walk。 Even wet; it was good。 I needed to think。〃

About her? About another 〃obligation〃? 〃You sound like you have the

weight of the world on your shoulders;〃 she teased。

〃It sometimes seems that way。〃 His voice was softer; more rueful。 〃It's

been a bad week。〃

〃Work?〃 she asked with caution。

〃No。 Work's fine。 I have good backup there。 They keep things running

when I fade out。〃

Anne sat quietly; waiting for him to say more。 If his problem wasn't

business; it had to be personal。 Suddenly; she didn't want to