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college is out of the question?”

God; what was with him? In a flash I was clutching my fork and knife; ready to duke it out for

a couple of guys who pinched my cheeks and called

me baby brother。

I took a deep breath and tried to relax。 Tried to dive down to calmer water。 This wasn't my


Besides; Matt and Mike seemed cool with it。 “Oh; no;” they said。 “College is a total

possibility。” “Yeah; we got accepted a couple of places; but

we're going to give the music thing a shot first。”

“Oh; the music thing;” my father says。

……… Page 67………

Matt and Mike look at each other; then shrug and get back to eating。 But Lyta glares at

him and says; “Your sarcasm is not appreciated; Dad。”

“Lyn; Lyn;” says Matt…or…Mike。 “It's cool。 Everyone's like that about it。 It's a show…me…don't…

tell…me thing。”

“That's a great idea;” Lyta says; jumping out of her seat and dashing down the hall。

Mom freezes; not sure what to do about Lyta; but then Mrs。 Baker says; “Dinner is

absolutely delicious; Patsy。”

“Thanks; Trina。 It's … it's nice to have all of you over。”

There's about three seconds of quiet and then Lyta es in and jabs at the CD player

buttons until the drawer slides back in。

“Lyn; no! Not a good idea;” says Matt…or…Mike。 “Yeah; Lyn。 It's not exactly dinner music。”

“Tough;” says Lyta; and cranks the volume。

Boom; whack! Bo