關燈 巨大 直達底部

ling you this; where was the gentleman?〃

〃He was standing in the other partment; sir; looking out of the window。〃

〃Can you describe him to us?〃

〃Well; you see; sir; I hardly saw him。 He had his back to me most of the time。 He was a tall gentleman and dark; that's all I can say。 He was dressed very like any other gentleman in a dark blue overcoat and a grey hat。〃

〃Was he one of the passengers on the train?〃

〃I don't think so; sir; I took it that he had e to the station to see Mrs Kettering in passing through。 Of course he might have been one of the passengers; I never thought of that。〃

Mason seemed a little flurried by the suggestion。

〃Ah!〃 M。 Carrege passed lightly to another subject。 〃Your mistress later requested the conductor not to rouse her early in the morning。 Was that a likely thing for her to do; do you think?〃

〃Oh yes; sir。 The mistress never ate any breakfast and she didn't sleep well at nights; so that she liked sleeping on in the morning。〃

Again M。 Carrege passed to another subject。

〃Amongst the luggage there was a scarlet morocco case; was there not?〃 he asked。 〃Your mistress's jewel…case?〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Did you take that case to the Ritz?〃

〃Me take the mistress's jewel…case to the Ritz? Oh no; indeed; sir。〃 Mason's tones were horrified。

〃You left it behind you in the carriage?〃

〃Yes; sir。〃

〃Had your mistress many jewels with her; do you know?〃