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privacy。 The world is her playground; and watch out below — Juli's on the slide!

Lucky for me; my dad was willing to run block。 And he did it over and over again。 He told her

I was busy or sleeping or just plain gone。 He was a


My sister; on the other hand; tried to sabotage me any chance she got。 Lyta's like that。

She's four years older than me; and buddy; I've learned

from watching her how not to run your life。 She's got ANTAGONIZE written all over her。 Just

look at her — not cross…eyed or with your tongue sticking

out or anything — just look at her and you've started an argument。

I used to knock…down…drag…out with her; but it's just not worth it。 Girls don't fight fair。 They pull

your hair and gouge you and pinch you; then they run

off gasping to mommy when you try and defend yourself with a fist。 Then you get locked into

time…out; and for what? No; my friend; the secret is;

don't snap at the bait。 Let it dangle。 Swim around it。 Laugh it off。 After a while they'll give up

and try to lure someone else。

At least that's the way it is with Lyta。 And the bonus of having her as a pain…in…the…rear

sister was figuring out that this method works on

everyone。 Teachers; jerks at school; even Mom and Dad。 Seriously。 There's no winning

arguments with your parents; so why get all pumped up over

them? It is way better to dive down and ge