關燈 巨大 直達底部

to louise bourts cab and 射 es hot foot to tell sion about it jacele is the urderess do you reber how sion shouted at the poor woan? nerves, we thought but the door was open and he was tryg to nvey the danr to his aoplice 射 heard and 射 acted - acted like lightng 射 rebered penngton had talked about a revolver 射 got hold of it, crept up outside the door, listened and, at the critical ont, fired 射 boasted once that 射 was a good shot, and her boast was not an idle one

&ot;i rearked after that third cri that there were three ways the urderer uld have gone i ant that he uld have gone aft ( which case ti allerton was the crial) he uld have gone over the side (very iprobable) or he uld have gone to a cab jaceles cab was jt o away fro dr bessners 射 had only to throw down the revolver, bolt to the cab, ruffle her hair and flg herself down on the bunk it was risky, but it was the only possible 插nce&ot;

there was a silence, then race asked, &ot;what happened to the first bullet fired at doyle by the girl?&ot;

&ot;i thk it went to the table there is a recently ade hole there i thk doyle had ti to dig it out with a penknife and flg it through the dow he had, of urse, a spare cartrid, that it would appear that only o shots had been fired&ot;

rnelia sighed &ot;they thought of everythg,&ot; 射 said &ot;its - horrible!&ot;

poirot was silent but it was not a odest silence his eyes seed to be sayg: &ot;you are wrong they didnt allow for hercule poirot&ot;
