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&ot;dont see why you should, but i dont d i ooched around a good bit went ashore with iss robn when 射 went back to the boat i ooched around by yself for a while ca back and turned round about idnight&ot;

&ot;your cab is on the lower deck, starboard side?&ot;

&ot;yes i not up aong the nobs&ot;

&ot;did you hear a shot? it ight only have unded like the poppg of a rk&ot;

fergon nsidered &ot;yes, i thk i did hear thg like a rk cant reber when - before i went to sleep but there were still a lot of people about then - otion, runng about on the deck above&ot;

&ot;that was probably the shot fired by iss de bellefort you didnt hear another?&ot; fergon shook his head

&ot;nor a splash?&ot;

&ot;a splash? yes, i believe i did hear a splash but there was uch row gog on i cant be sure about it&ot;

&ot;did you leave your cab durg the night?&ot;

fergon grned &ot;no, i didnt and i didnt participate the good work, worse ck&ot;

&ot;e, e, r fergon, dont behave childishly&ot;

the young an reacted angrily

&ot;why shouldnt i say what i thk? i believe violence&ot;

&ot;but you dont practise what you preach?&ot; urured poirot &ot;i wonder&ot;

he leaned forward

&ot;it was the an, fleeood, was it not, who told you that l doyle was one of the richest won england?&ot;

&ot;whats fleeood got to do with this?&ot;

&ot;fleeood, y friend, had an excellent otive for killg l doyle he had
