關燈 巨大 直達底部

t was the sweetness of wine on his lips;

another time the firmness of his mouth; another the heat。 His kiss was a

heady brew; warm; moist; and intoxicating。

Seeking more; she spread her hands over his chest and discovered a

textured surface beneath the smoothness of his shirt。 He was a man of

many layers to be explored; one by one。 She was the explorer; on an

ocean of desire; clinging to him as to a raft on a rising sea of


His tongue sought and caressed; sucking hers deeper; sparking greater

response; and she gave it unconditionally; opening to him in delight。

Soft sighs were breathed and swallowed; one mouth to the other。

The urgency built。 Just when she needed it; he deepened the kiss。 His

lips controlled hers now; as did the hands that framed her face。

His voice was thick against her mouth。 〃Do you have any idea what you do

to me?〃

Her answer was a breathy; 〃I know what you do to me。 It happens every


〃Does it? It's been a long time since you were with a man。〃

〃By choice。 By choice。〃 Tipping her head back on his shoulder; she

studied his strong jaw; straight nose; amber eyes。 〃It was never a trial

for me before。 I've never really wanted another man。〃

〃Is it a trial now?〃 he whispered; momentarily cautious。 〃What do you

want; Chloe? Do you know?〃

She answered by dipping her head and putting her lips