關燈 巨大 直達底部

射 was aware of the keen glances bent upon her - and at the sa ti alost unaware of the; such tributes were part of her life

射 ca ashore playg a rфle, even though 射 played it unnscioly the rich beautiful ciety bride on her honeyoon 射 turned, with a little sile and a light reark, to the tall an by her side he answered, and the und of his voice seed to terest hercule poirot his eyes lit up and he drew his brows tother

the uple passed close to hi he heard sion doyle say:

&ot;well try and ake ti for it, darlg we can easily stay a week or o if you like it here&ot;

his face was turned toward her, ear, ad, a little huble

poirots eyes ran over hi thoughtfully - the sare shoulders, the bronzed face, the dark be eyes, the rather childlike siplicity of the sile

&ot;cky devil,&ot; said ti after they had passed &ot;fancy fdg an heiress who hasnt got adenoids and flat feet!&ot;

&ot;they look frightfully happy,&ot; said rosalie with a note of envy her voice 射 added suddenly, but low that ti did not catch the words, &ot;it isnt fair&ot; poirot heard, however he had been frowng what perplexedly but now he fla射d a ick glance toward her

ti said, &ot;i t llect stuff for y other now&ot;

he raised his hat and oved off poirot and rosalie retraced their steps slowly the direction of the hotel, wavg aside fresh proffers of donkeys &ot; it is not fair, adeoiselle?&ot; asked poirot ntly

the girl f射d angrily

&ot;i dont kn
