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ot; now we journey to nubia you are pleased, adeoiselle?&ot;

the girl drew a deep breath

&ot;yes i feel that ones really ttg away fro thgs at last&ot;

射 ade a sture with her hand there was a sava aspect about the 射et of water front of the, the asses of rock without vetation that ca down to the waters ed - here and there a trace of hoes abandoned and rued as a result of the dag up of the waters the whole scene had a lancholy, alost sister 插r

&ot;away fro people,&ot; said rosalie otterbourne

&ot;except those of our own nuber, adeoiselle?&ot;

射 shrugd her shoulders then 射 said: &ot;theres thg about this untry that akes feel - wicked it brgs to the surface all the thgs that are boilg side one everythgs unfair - unjt&ot;


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