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to her he was very fond of her, but i thk that even before he t he was begng to feel that he had ade a istake look at it clearly, onsieur poirot sion disvers that it is i he loves, not jackie what is he to do? be heroically noble and arry a woan he does not care for - and thereby probably ru three lives - for it is doubtful whether he uld ake jackie happy under those circtances? if he were actually arried to her when he t i agree that it ight be his duty to stick to her - though i not really sure of that if one pern is unhappy the other suffers too but an engant is not really bdg if a istake has been ade, then surely it is better to face the fact before it is too late i adit that it was very hard on jackie, and i terribly rry about it - but there it is it was evitable&ot;

&ot;i wonder&ot;

射 stared at hi

&ot;what do you an?&ot;

&ot;it is very sensible, very logical -all that you say! but it does not expn one thg&ot;

&ot;what is that?&ot;

&ot;your own attitude, ada see you, this pursuit of you, you ight take it o ways it ight cae you annoyance - yes, or it ight stir your pity - that your friend should have been deeply hurt as to throw all regards for the nventions aside but that is not the way you react no, to you this persecution is tolerable - and why? it can be for one rean only - that you feel a sense of guilt&ot;

l sprang to her feet

&ot;how dare you? really, onsieur poirot, this is gog too far&ot;

