關燈 巨大 直達底部

the presence of old an sleuth anyway, youre a witness, onsieur poirot ive deliberately offered arria to this feale - agast all y prciples, becae i dont believe legal ntracts beeen the sexes; but i dont thk 射d stand for anythg else, arria it shall be e on, rnelia, say yes&ot;

&ot;i thk youre utterly ridiculo,&ot; said rnelia fshg

&ot;why wont you arry ?&ot;

&ot;youre not serio,&ot; said rnelia

&ot;do you an not serio proposg or do you an not serio 插racter?&ot;

&ot;both, but i really ant 插racter you laugh at all rts of serio thgs education and culture - and - and death you wouldnt be reliable&ot;

射 broke off, f射d aga, and hurried along to her cab

fergon stared after her &ot;dan the girl! i believe 射 really ans it 射 wants a an to be reliable reliable - ye gods!&ot;

he paed and then said curioly: &ot;whats the atter with you, onsieur poirot? you see very deep thought&ot;

poirot roed hiself with a start

&ot;i reflect, that is all i reflect&ot;

&ot;ditation on death death, the recurrg decial, by hercule poirot one of his well-known onographs&ot;

&ot;onsieur fergon,&ot; said poirot, &ot;you are a very ipertent young an&ot;

&ot;you t exce i like attackg establi射d stitutions&ot;

&ot;and i a an establi射d stitution?&ot;

&ot;precisely what do you thk of that girl?&ot;

&ot;of iss robn?&ot;


&ot;i thk that 射 has a great deal of 插racter&ot;

