關燈 巨大 直達底部

art's been in the right place; but if you line it up objectively; a

man like; say; Mr。 Loski adds up to a much better

husband and father than a man like me does。 He's around more; he provides more; and he's

probably a lot more fun。”

My dad wasn't one to go fishing for pliments or signs of appreciation; but still; I couldn't

quite believe he actually thought that。 “Dad; I don't

care how it looks on paper; I think you're the best dad ever! And when I marry somebody

someday; I sure don't want him to be like Mr。 Loski! I want

him to be like you。”

He looked at me like he couldn't quite believe his ears。 “Is that so;” he said with a grin。 “Well;

I'll remind you of that as your someday approaches。”

That turned the rest of the trip around。 We laughed and joked and talked about all kinds of

things; but as we neared home; there was one thing

the conversation kept turning back to。


My mother; though; had other plans。 She'd spent the morning scrubbing floors and nixed the

pancakes。 “I need something with more staying

power。 Like grilled ham…and…cheese。 With onions;” she said。 “Lots of onions!”

“Scrubbing floors?” my dad said。 “It's Sunday; Trina。 Why were you scrubbing floors?”

“Nervous energy。” She looked at me。 “How'd it go?”

“Okay。 I'm glad I went。”

She glanced at my dad and then at me。 “Well; good;” she sighed; then said; “I also