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y forward or putting my

backpack between me and the seat。 Nothing helped。 She'd

just scoot up; too; or lean over a little farther and sniff…sniff…sniff。

I finally asked Mr。 Mertins to move me; but he wouldn't do it。 Something about not wanting to

disturb the delicate balance of educational energies。

Whatever。 I was stuck with her sniffing。 And since I couldn't see her perfectly penned

answers anymore; my grades took a dive。 Especially in


Then one time; during a test; Juli's in the middle of sniffing my hair when she notices that I've

blown a spelling word。 A lot of words。 Suddenly the

sniffing stops and the whispering starts。 At first I couldn't believe it。 Juli Baker cheating? But

sure enough; she was spelling words for me; right in my


Juli'd always been sly about sniffing; which really bugged me because no one ever noticed

her doing it; but she was just as sly about giving me

answers; which was okay by me。 The bad thing about it was that I started counting on her

spelling in my ear。 I mean; why study when you don't have

to; right? But after a while; taking all those answers made me feel sort of indebted to her。

How can you tell someone to bug off or quit sniffing you

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when you owe them? It's; you know; wrong。

So I spent the sixth grade somewhere between unfortable and unhappy; but I kept
