關燈 巨大 直達底部


she married a dreamer; and because of that; one of the

two of them will always be unhappy。

Whatever。 Maybe Juli's aesthetic sensibilities have been permanently screwed up by her

father and none of this is her fault; but Juli has always

thought that that sycamore tree was God's gift to our little corner of the universe。

Back in the third and fourth grades she used to clown around with her brothers in the

branches or peel big chunks of bark off so they could slide

down the crook in its trunk。 It seemed like they were playing in it whenever my mom took us

somewhere in the car。 Juli'd be swinging from the

branches; ready to fall and break every bone in her body; while we were waiting at the

stoplight; and my mom would shake her head and say; “Don't

you ever climb that tree like that; do you hear me; Bryce? I never want to see you doing that!

You either; Lyta。 That is much too dangerous。”

My sister would roll her eyes and say; “As if;” while I'd slump beneath the window and pray

for the light to change before Juli squealed my name

for the world to hear。

I did try to climb it once in the fifth grade。 It was the day after Juli had rescued my kite from

its mutant toy…eating foliage。 She climbed miles up to

get my kite; and when she came down; she was actually very cool about it。 She didn't hold

my kite hostage and stick her lips out like I w