關燈 巨大 直達底部

retaed the iet r fanthorp as a panion jacele de bellefort sat by herself with a book rosalie otterbourne was restless rs allerton spoke to her once or ice and tried to draw her to their group, but the girl responded ungracioly

hercule poirot spent his eveng listeng to an aount of rs otterbournes ission as a writer

on his way to his cab that night he enuntered jacele de bellefort 射 was leang over the rail and, as 射 turned her head, he was struck by the look of acute isery on her face there was now no uciance, no alicio defiance, no dark flag triuph

&ot;good-night, adeoiselle&ot;

&ot;good-night, onsieur poirot&ot; 射 hesitated, then said, &ot;you were surprised to fd here?&ot;

&ot;i was not uch surprised as rry - very rry&ot;

he spoke gravely

&ot;you an rry - for ?&ot;

&ot;that is what i ant you have chosen, adeoiselle, the danro urse as we here this boat have ebarked on a journey, you too have ebarked on your own private journey - a journey on a swift-ovg river, beeen danro rocks, and headg for who knows what currents of disaster&ot;

&ot;why do you say all this?&ot;

&ot;becae it is true you have cut the bonds that oored you to safety i doubt now if you uld turn back if you would&ot;

射 said very slowly, &ot;that is true

then 射 fng her head back

&ot;ah, well - one t follow ones star, wherever it leads&ot;

&ot;beware, adeoiselle, that it is not a false star&ot;

射 laughed a
