關燈 巨大 直達底部

&ot;a very nice aiden, that,&ot; he announced to poirot &ot;射 does not look starved as of these young won no, 射 has the nice curves 射 listens too, very telltly; it is a pleasure to struct her&ot;

it fleeted across poirots d that it seed to be rnelias fate either to be bullied or structed any case 射 was always the listener, never the talker iss bowers, ontarily released by the pereptory suons of rnelia, was standg the iddle of the teple, lookg about her with her ol, curio gaze her reaction to the wonders of the past was suct

&ot;the guide says the na of one of these gods or goddesses was ut can you beat it?&ot;

there was an ner sanctuary where sat four figures eternally presidg, stranly dignified their di aloofness

before the stood l and her hband her ar was his, her face lifted - a typical face of the new civilization, tellt, curio, untouched by the past

sion said suddenly: &ot;lets t out of here i dont like these four fellows - especially the one the high hat&ot;

&ot;thats aon, i suppose and that one is rases why dont you like the? i thk theyre very ipressive&ot;

&ot;theyre a daned sight too ipressive; theres thg uncanny about the e out to the sunlight&ot;

l laughed but yielded

they ca out of the teple to the sunshe with the sand yellow and war about their feet l began to laugh at their feet a row, presentg a ontarily grue appearance as though sawn fro their bodies, were the heads of half a dozen nubi
