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&ot;however, a letter 射 wrote hi fro cairo, 射 ntioned casually that 射 had unexpectedly run across andrew penngton y uncles spicions beca acute he felt sure that penngton, perhaps by now a desperate position, was gog to try and obta signatures fro her which would ver his own defalcations sce y uncle had no defite evidence to lay before her, he was a ost difficult position the only thg he uld thk of was to send out here, travellg by air, with structions to disver what was the d i was to keep y eyes open and act suarily if necessary - a ost unpleasant ission, i can assure you as a atter of fact, on the oasion you ntion i had to behave ore or less as a cad! it was awkward, but on the whole i was satisfied with the result&ot;

&ot;you an you put ada doyle on her guard?&ot; asked race

&ot;not uch that, but i thk i put the d up penngton i felt nvced he wouldnt try any ore funny bess for ti, and then i hoped to have got tiate enough with r and rs doyle to nvey kd of a warng as a atter of fact i hoped to do through doyle rs doyle was attached to r penngton that it would have been a bit awkward to sugst thgs to her about hi it would have been easier for to approach the hband&ot;

race nodded

poirot asked: &ot;will you give a candid opion on one pot, onsieur fanthorp? if you were engad puttg a sdle over, would you choose ada doyle or onsieur doyle as a victi?&ot;

fanthorp siled fatly

&ot;r doyle, every ti l doyle was very shrewd
