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t 射 gave this very curio answer: naturally, if i had been unable to sleep, if i had ounted the stairs, then perhaps i ight have seen this assass, this onster enter or leave adas cab now what exactly did that tell ?&ot;

bessner, his nose wrklg with tellectual terest, replied proptly, &ot;it told you that 射 had ounted the stair&ot;

&ot;no, no; you fail to see the pot why should 射 have said that, to ?&ot;

&ot;to nvey a ht&ot;

&ot;but why ht to ? if 射 knows who the urderer is, there are o urses open to her - to tell the truth, or to hold her tongue and deand oney for her silence fro the pern ncerned! but 射 does neither 射 neither says proptly: i saw nobody i was asleep nor does 射 say, yes, i saw one, and it was and why e that significant deterate rigarole of words? parbleu, there can be only one rean! 射 is htg to the urderer; therefore the urderer t have been present at the ti but, besides yself and lonel race, only o people were present - sion doyle and dr bessner&ot;

the doctor sprang up with a roar

&ot;ach! what is that you say? you ae ? aga? but it is ridiculo - beneath ntept&ot;

poirot said sharply: &ot;be iet i a tellg you what i thought at the ti let rea ipernal&ot;

&ot;he doesnt an he thks its you now,&ot; said rnelia othgly

poirot went on ickly: &ot; it lay there - beeen sion doyle and dr bessner but what rean has bessner to kill l doyle? none, far as i know sion doyle, then? but that was ipossible! there
