關燈 巨大 直達底部

cab, pistol hand - no, it did not &ot;fit,&ot; that picture

bessner stared at hi through his thick lenses

&ot;but that is what happened, i tell you&ot;

&ot;yes, yes i did not an what you thought i was not ntradictg you&ot;

bessner gave a satisfied grunt

poirot ca up and stood beside hi l doyle was lyg on her side her attitude was natural and peaceful but above the ear was a ty hole with an crtation of dried blood round it

poirot shook his head sadly

then his gaze fell on the white pated wall jt front of hi and he drew his breath sharply its white neatness was arred by a big waverg letter j scrawled brownish-red diu

poirot stared at it, then he leaned over the dead girl and very ntly picked up her right hand one fr of it was staed a brownish-red

&ot;no dun no dun no!&ot; ejaculated hercule poirot

&ot;eh? what is that?&ot;

dr bessner looked up

&ot;ach! that&ot;

race said: &ot;well, i daned what do you ake of that, poirot?&ot;

poirot swayed a little on his toes

&ot;you ask what i ake of it eh bien, it is very siple, is it not? ada doyle is dyg; 射 wi射s to dicate her urderer, and 射 writes with her fr, dipped her own blood, the itial letter of her urderers na oh, yes, it is astonishgly siple&ot;

&ot;ach! but-&ot;

dr bessner was about to break out, but a pereptory sture fro race silenced hi

&ot; it strikes you like that?&ot; he asked slowly

