關燈 巨大 直達底部

;what did you say?&ot;

&ot;i said, ti will show! this is a atter of three deaths - three urders the law will deand the ost searchg vestigation to the ndition of ada doyles estate&ot;

he saw the sudden sag the others shoulders and knew that he had won

ji fanthorps spicions were well founded

poirot went on: &ot;youve played - and lost eless to go on bffg&ot;

&ot;you dont understand,&ot; penngton uttered &ot;its all sare enough really its been this daned sp - wall streets been crazy but id stad a eback with ck everythg will be ok by the iddle of june&ot;

with shakg hands he took a cigarette, tried to light it, failed &ot;i suppose,&ot; ed poirot, &ot;that the boulder was a sudden teptation you thought nobody saw you&ot;

&ot;that was an aident i swear it was an aident!&ot; the an leant forward, his face workg, his eyes terrified &ot;i stubled and fell agast it i swear it was an aident&ot;

the o n said nothg

penngton suddenly pulled hiself tother he was still a wreck of a an, but his fightg spirit had returned a certa asure he oved toward the door &ot;you cant p that on , ntlen it was an aident and it wasnt i who shot her dyou hear? you cant p that on either - and you never will&ot; he went out

插pter 26

as the door closed behd hi, race gave a deep sigh

&ot;we got ore than i thought we should adission of fraud adission of attepted urder further than that its ipossible to go a an will nfess, ore o
