關燈 巨大 直達底部

i do dare, ada! i a gog to speak to you ite frankly i sugst to you that, although you ay have endeavoured to gloss over the fact to yourself, you did deliberately set about takg your hband fro your friend i sugst that you felt strongly attracted to hi at once but i sugst that there was a ont when you hesitated, when you realized that there was a choice - that you uld refra or go on i sugst that the itiative rested with you - not with onsieur doyle you are beautiful, ada; you are rich; you are clever, tellt - and you have 插r you uld have exercised that 插r or you uld have restraed it you had everythg, ada, that life can offer your friends life was bound up one pern you knew that, but, though you hesitated, you did not hold your hand you stretched it out and, like the rich an the bible, you took the poor ans one ewe lab&ot;


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