關燈 巨大 直達底部

oat, all dressed up pearls and diaonds and lordg it all over the place, with never a thought that 射d broken up a ans life for hi! i felt bitter all right, but if you thk i a dirty urderer - if you thk i went and shot her with a gun, well, thats a daned lie! i never touched her and thats gods truth&ot; he sped the sweat was rollg down his face

&ot;where were you last night beeen the hours of elve and o?&ot;

&ot; y bunk asleep - and y ate will tell you &ot;

&ot;we shall see,&ot; said race he disissed hi with a curt nod &ot;thatll do&ot;

&ot;eh bien?&ot; ired poirot as the door closed behd fleeood

race shrugd his shoulders &ot;he tells ite a straight story hes nervo, of urse, but not unduly well have to vestigate his alibi - though i dont suppose it will be decisive his ate was probably asleep, and this fellow uld have slipped and out if he wanted to it depends whether anyone else saw hi&ot;

&ot;yes, one t ire as to that&ot;

&ot;the next thg, i thk,&ot; said race, &ot;is whether anyone heard anythg which ight give a ce to the ti of the cri bessner places it as havg ourred beeen elve and o it sees reanable to hope that one aong the passenrs ay have heard the shot - even if they did not regnize it for what it was i didnt hear anythg of the kd yself what about you?&ot;

poirot shook his head

&ot;, i slept abtely like the log i heard nothg - but nothg at all i ight have been drugd, i slept undly&ot;

&ot;a pity
