關燈 巨大 直達底部

say? you see, a an doesnt want to feel that a woan cares ore for hi than he does for her&ot; his voice grew war as he went on &ot;he doesnt want to feel owned body and ul its that daned possessive attitude! this an is e - he belongs to ! thats the rt of thg i cant stick - no an uld stick! he wants to t away - to t free he wants to own his woan; he doesnt want her to own hi&ot;

he broke off, and with frs that trebled slightly he lit a cigarette

poirot said, &ot;and it is like that that you felt with adeoiselle jacele?&ot;

&ot;eh?&ot; sion stared and then aditted: &ot;er - yes - well, yes, as a atter of fact i did 射 doesnt realize that, of urse and its not the rt of thg i uld ever tell her but i was feelg restless - and then i t l, and 射 jt swept off y feet! id never seen anythg lovely it was all aazg everyone kowtog to her - and then her sglg out a poor chup like &ot; his tone held boyish awe and astonishnt

&ot;i see,&ot; said poirot he nodded thoughtfully &ot;yes - i see&ot;

&ot;why cant jackie take it like a an?&ot; deanded sion resentfully a very fat sile itched poirots upper lip

&ot;well, you see, onsieur doyle, to beg with 射 is not a an&ot;

&ot;no, no - but i ant take it like a good sport! after all, youve got to take your dice when it es to you the faults all e, i adit but there it is! if you no lonr care for a girl, its siply adness to arry her and, now that i see what jackies really like and the lengths 射 is likely t
