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&ot;i agree one can pretty well rule that out well, an, its up to you this is your show&ot;

poirot had been attirg hiself with a neat-fred celerity he said now, &ot;i a at your disposal&ot;

the o n stepped out on the deck

race said: &ot;bessner should be there by now i sent the steward for hi&ot;

there were four cabs de xe, with bathroos, on the boat of the o on the port side one was oupied by dr bessner, the other by andrew penngton on the starboard side the first was oupied by iss van schuyler, and the one next to it by l doyle her hbands dressg cab was next door

a white-faced steward was standg outside the door of l doyles cab he opened the door for the and they passed side dr bessner was bendg over the bed he looked up and grunted as the other o entered

&ot;what can you tell , doctor, about this bess?&ot; asked race

bessner rubbed his unshaven jaw ditatively

&ot;ach! 射 was shot - shot at close arters see - here, jt above the ear - that is where the bullet entered a very little bullet - i should say a enty-o the pistol, it was held close agast her head; see, there is blackeng here, the sk is srched&ot;

aga a sick wave of ory poirot thought of those words uttered at assuan bessner went on: &ot;射 was asleep; there was no struggle; the urderer crept up the dark and shot her as 射 lay there&ot;

&ot;ah! non!&ot; poirot cried out his sense of psychology was outrad jacele de bellefort creepg to a darkened
