關燈 巨大 直達底部

poirot said: &ot;yes, you t have had uneasy onts but, now that the truth has e out, you ay be able to help was ada doyle alive or dead when you stole the pearls?&ot;

&ot;i dont know,&ot; ti said hoarsely &ot;honest to god, onsieur poirot, i dont know! id found out where 射 put the at night - on the little table by the bed i crept , felt very ftly on the table and grabbed e, put down the others and crept out aga i assud, of urse, that 射 was asleep&ot;

&ot;did you hear her breathg? surely you would have listened for that?&ot;

ti thought earnestly

&ot;it was very still - very still deed no, i cant reber actually hearg her breathe&ot;

&ot;was there any sll of ke lrg the air, as there would have been if a firear had been dis插rd recently?&ot;

&ot;i dont thk i dont reber it&ot;

poirot sighed

&ot;then we are no further&ot;

ti asked curioly, &ot;who was it saw ?&ot;

&ot;rosalie otterbourne 射 ca round fro the other side of the boat and saw you leave l doyles cab and go to your own&ot;

&ot; it was 射 who told you&ot;

poirot said ntly, &ot;exce ; 射 did not tell &ot;

&ot;but then, how do you know?&ot;

&ot;becae i a hercule poirot! i do not need to be told when i taxed her with it, do you know what 射 said? 射 said, i saw nobody and 射 lied&ot;

&ot;but why?&ot;

poirot said a detached voice: &ot;perhaps becae 射 thought the an 射 saw was the urderer it looked like that, you know&
