關燈 巨大 直達底部

aid, choosg his words with ebarrassnt: &ot;that isnt - isnt - er - on our aount any way? i an i wouldnt like to thk -&ot;

poirot disabed hi ickly

&ot;not at all it was all arrand before i left london i always ake y plans well advance&ot;

&ot;you dont jt ove on fro place to place as the fancy takes you? isnt the latter really pleasanter?&ot;

&ot;perhaps but to sueed life every detail should be arrand well beforehand&ot;

sion laughed and said, &ot;that is how the ore skilful urderer behaves, i suppose&ot;

&ot;yes - though i t adit that the ost brilliant cri i reber and one of the ost difficult to lve was itted on the spur of the ont&ot;

sion said boyishly, &ot;you t tell thg about your cases on board the karnak&ot;

&ot;no, no; that would be to talk - what do you call it - the shop&ot;

&ot;yes, but your kd of shop is rather thrillg rs allerton thks 射s longg to t a 插nce to cross-estion you&ot;

&ot;rs allerton? that is the 插rg grey-haired woan who has such a devoted n?&ot;

&ot;yes 射ll be on the karnak too&ot;

&ot;does 射 know that you - ?&ot;

&ot;certaly not,&ot; said sion with ephasis &ot;nobody knows ive gone on the prciple that its better not to trt anybody&ot;

&ot;an adirable sentt - and one which i always adopt by the way, the third ber of your party, the tall grey-haired an -&ot;


&ot;yes he is travellg with you?&ot;

sion said grily: &o
