關燈 巨大 直達底部

rs allerton said that any people, 射 had heard, had had thgs sent straight to england fro the shops estion and that everythg had arrived safely

&ot;bien then i will do that but the trouble one has, when one is abroad, if a parcel es out fro england! have you had experience of that? have you had any parcels arrive sce you have been on your travels?&ot;

&ot;i dont thk we have, have we, ti? you t books tis, but of urse there is never any trouble about the&ot;

&ot;ah, no, books are different&ot;

dessert had been served now, without any previo warng, lonel race stood up and ade his speech

he touched on the circtances of the cri and announced the theft of the pearls a search of the boat was about to be stituted, and he would be oblid if all the passenrs would rea the saloon until this was pleted then, after that, if the passenrs agreed, as he was sure they would, they theselves would be kd enough to subit to a search poirot slipped nibly along to his side there was a little buzz and poirot reached races side and urured thg his ear jt as the latter was about to leave the dg-saloon

race listened, nodded assent, and beckoned a steward he said a few brief words to hi; then, tother with poirot, he passed out onto the deck, closg the door behd hi

they stood for a ute or o by the rail race lit a cigarette

&ot;not a bad idea of yours,&ot; he said &ot;well on see if theres anythg it ill give e three utes&ot;

the door of th
