關燈 巨大 直達底部

&ot;perhaps - reven!&ot;

&ot;idiotic! id really understand better if 射d tried to do thg lodraatic - like takg a pot shot at &ot;

&ot;you thk that would be ore like her - yes?&ot;

&ot;frankly i do 射s hot-blooded - and 射s got an ungovernable teper i shouldnt be surprised at her dog anythg while 射 was a white-hot ra but this spyg bess -&ot; he shook his head

&ot;it is ore subtle - yes! it is tellt!&ot;

doyle stared at hi

&ot;you dont understand its playg hell with ls nerves&ot;

&ot;and yours?&ot;

sion looked at hi with ontary surprise

&ot;? id like to wrg the little devils neck&ot;

&ot;there is nothg, then, of the old feelg left?&ot;

&ot;y dear onsieur poirot - how can i put it? its like the oon when the sun es out you dont know its there any ore when once id t l - jackie didnt exist&ot;

&ot;tiens, cest drфle 3a!&ot; uttered poirot

&ot;i beg your pardon&ot;

&ot;your siile terested , that is all&ot;

aga fshg, sion said: &ot;i suppose jackie told you that id only arried l for her oney? well, thats a daned lie! i wouldnt arry any woan for oney! what jackie doesnt understand is that its difficult for a fellow when - when - a woan cares for hi as 射 cared for &ot;

poirot looked up sharply

sion bndered on, &ot;it - it - unds a caddish thg to say, but jackie was too fond of !&ot;

&ot;un i ai et un i se sse air,&ot; urured poirot

&ot;eh? whats that you
