關燈 巨大 直達底部

ru射d to his cab, got hold of it, listened outside dr bessners cab door and shot ada otterbourne before 射 uld reveal your na&ot;

&ot;no!&ot; cried rosalie &ot;he didnt! he didnt!&ot;

&ot;after that, you did the only thg you uld do - ru射d round the stern and when i ru射d after you, you had turned and pretended to be g the opposite direction you had handled the revolver gloves; those gloves were your pocket when i asked for the&ot;

ti said, &ot;before god, i swear it isnt true - not a word of it&ot; but his voice, ill assured and treblg, failed to nvce

it was then that rosalie otterbourne surprised the

&ot;of urse it isnt true! and onsieur poirot knows it isnt! hes sayg it for rean of his own&ot;

poirot looked at her a fat sile ca to his lips he spread out his hands token of surrender

&ot;adeoiselle is too clever but you agree - it was a good case?&ot;

&ot;what the devil -&ot; ti began with risg anr, but poirot held up a hand

&ot;there is a very good case agast you, onsieur allerton i wanted you to realize that now i will tell you thg ore pleasant i have not yet exaed that rosary your cab it ay be that, when i do, i shall fd nothg there and then, sce adeoiselle otterbourne sticks to it that 射 saw no one on the deck last night, eh bien, there is no case agast you at all the pearls were taken by a kleptoaniac who has sce returned the they are a little box on the table by the door, if you would care to exae the wi
