關燈 巨大 直達底部


射 put out a tiid hand and touched his ar

&ot;dont say that&ot;

he caught her hand his

&ot;rosalie, would you - you know what i an? or would you always despise and throw it y teeth?&ot;

射 siled fatly &ot;there are thgs you uld throw y teeth, too&ot;

&ot;rosalie - darlg&ot;

but 射 held back a ute lonr

&ot;this -joanna?&ot;

ti gave a sudden shout

&ot;joanna? youre as bad as other i dont care a dan about joanna 射s got a face like a horse and a predatory eye a ost unattractive feale&ot;


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