關燈 巨大 直達底部

ed vontarily becae you saw a an e out of a cab about half way down the deck - l doyles cab, as you realized next day you saw hi e out, close the door behd hi, and walk away fro you down the deck and - perhaps - enter one of the o end cabs now then, a i right, adeoiselle?&ot;

射 did not answer

poirot said: &ot;perhaps you thk it wiser not to speak perhaps you are afraid that, if you do, you too will be killed&ot;

for a ont he thought 射 had risen to the easy bait, that the aation agast her ura would sueed where ore subtle argunts would have failed

her lips opened - trebled - then, &ot;i saw no one,&ot; said rosalie otterbourne

插pter 23

iss bowers ca out of dr bessners cab, othg her cuffs over her wrists jacele left rnelia abruptly and aosted the hospital nurse

&ot;how is he?&ot; 射 deanded

poirot ca up ti to hear the answer iss bowers was lookg rather worried

&ot;thgs arent gog too badly,&ot; 射 said

jacele cried, &ot;you an, hes worse?&ot;

&ot;well, i t say i shall be relieved when we t and can t a proper x-ray done and the whole thg cleaned up under an anaesthetic when do you thk we shall t to 射llвl, onsieur poirot?&ot;

&ot;toorrow orng&ot;

iss bowers pursed her lips and shook her head

&ot;its very unfortunate we are dog all we can, but theres always such a danr of septicaeia&ot;

jacele caught iss bowers ar and shook it

&ot;is he gog to die? is he gog to die?&ot;
