關燈 巨大 直達底部

iss van schuyler said: &ot;i have only jt realized who you are, onsieur poirot i ay tell you that i have heard of you fro y old friend ruf van ald you t tell about your cases ti&ot;

poirot, his eyes klg a little through their sleepess, bowed an exagrated anner with a kdly but ndescendg nod, iss van schuyler passed on

poirot yawned once ore he felt heavy and stupid with sleep and uld hardly keep his eyes open he glanced over at the brid players, abrbed their ga, then at young fanthorp, who was deep a book apart fro the the saloon was epty

he passed through the sgg door out onto the deck jacele de bellefort, g precipitately along the deck, alost llided with hi

&ot;pardon, adeoiselle&ot;

射 said, &ot;you look sleepy, onsieur poirot&ot;

he aditted it frankly

&ot;ais oui - i a nsud with sleep i can hardly keep y eyes open it has been a day very close and oppressive&ot;

&ot;yes&ot; 射 seed to brood over it &ot;its been the rt of day when thgs - snap! break! when one cant go on&ot;

her voice was low and 插rd with passion 射 looked not at hi, but toward the sandy shore her hands were clenched, rigid

suddenly the tension relaxed 射 said, &ot;good-night, onsieur poirot&ot;

&ot;good-night, adeoiselle&ot;

her eyes t his, jt for a swift ont thkg it over the next day, he ca to the ncsion that there had been appeal that glance he was to reber it afterward

after rnelia carried out all of iss van sc
