關燈 巨大 直達底部

ont like ?&ot;

&ot;i - i thk youre jt outrao the way you say thgs the thgs you say ive never t anyone the least like you&ot;

tears threatened to overe her 射 ru射d fro the roo

&ot;on the whole,&ot; said r fergon, &ot;thats not too bad for a start&ot;

he leaned back his 插ir, gazed at the ceilg, whistled, crossed his disreputable knees and rearked, &ot;ill be callg you yet&ot;

iss van schuyler trebled with ra &ot;leave this roo at once, sir, or ill rg for the steward&ot;

&ot;ive paid for y ticket,&ot; said r fergon &ot;they cant possibly turn out of the public loun but ill huour you&ot;

he sang ftly, &ot;yo ho ho, and a bottle of ru&ot;

risg, he sauntered non插lantly to the door and passed out chokg with anr iss van schuyler struggled to her feet

poirot, discreetly ergg fro retirent behd his agaze, sprang up and retrieved the ball of wool

&ot;thank you, onsieur poirot if you would send iss bowers to - i feel ite upset - that lent young an&ot;

&ot;rather eentric, i afraid,&ot; said poirot &ot;ost of that faily are spoilt, of urse always cled to tilt at dills&ot;

he added carelessly, &ot;you regnized hi, i suppose?&ot;

&ot;regnized hi?&ot;

&ot;calls hiself fergon and wont e his title becae of his advanced ideas&ot;

&ot;his title?&ot; iss van schuylers tone was sharp

&ot;yes, thats young lord dawlish rollg oney, of urse, but he beca a unist when he was at oxford&ot;
