關燈 巨大 直達底部

&ot;good-afternoon, iss van schuyler&ot;

iss van schuyler raised her eyes for a bare send, dropped the aga and urured frigidly, &ot;er - good-afternoon&ot;

&ot;look here, iss van schuyler, i want to talk to you about thg pretty iportant its jt this i want to arry your &ot;

iss van schuylers ball of wool dropped onto the ground and ran wildly across the saloon

射 said, a venoo tone, &ot;you t be out of your senses, young an&ot;

&ot;not at all i detered to arry her ive asked her to arry !&ot;

iss van schuyler surveyed hi ldly, with the kd of speculative terest 射 ight have aorded to an odd rt of beetle

&ot;deed? and i presu 射 sent you about your bess&ot;

&ot;射 refed &ot;


&ot;not naturally at all i gog to go on askg her till 射 agrees&ot;

&ot;i can assure you, sir, that i shall take steps to see that y young is not subjected to any such persecution,&ot; said iss van schuyler a bitg tone

&ot;what have you got agast ?&ot;

iss van schuyler rely raised her eyebrows and gave a vehent tug to her wool, preparatory to regag it and closg the terview

&ot;e now,&ot; persisted r fergon, &ot;what have you got agast ?&ot;

&ot;i should thk that was ite obvio, r - er - i dont know your na&ot;


&ot;r fergon&ot; iss van schuyler uttered the na with defite distaste &ot;any such idea is ite out of the estion&ot;

&ot;you an,&ot; said fergon
