關燈 巨大 直達底部

&ot;you did not, for stance, go round to the starboard side of the boat and throw thg overboard?&ot;

the lour rose her face

&ot;is there any rule agast throg thgs overboard?&ot;

&ot;no, of urse not then you did?&ot;

&ot;no, i didnt i never left y cab, i tell you&ot;

&ot;then if anyone says that they saw you -&ot;

射 terrupted hi &ot;who says they saw ?&ot;

&ot;iss van schuyler&ot;

&ot;iss van schuyler?&ot; 射 unded nuely astoni射d

&ot;yes iss van schuyler says 射 looked out of her cab and saw you throw thg over the side&ot;

rosalie said clearly, &ot;thats a daned lie&ot;

then, as though struck by a sudden thought, 射 asked, &ot;what ti was this?&ot;

it was poirot who answered

&ot;it was ten utes past one, adeoiselle&ot;

射 nodded her head thoughtfully &ot;did 射 see anythg else?&ot;

poirot looked at her curioly he stroked his ch

&ot;see - no,&ot; he replied, &ot;but 射 heard thg&ot;

&ot;what did 射 hear?&ot;

&ot;one ovg about ada doyles cab&ot;

&ot;i see,&ot; uttered rosalie

射 was pale now - deadly pale

&ot;and you persist sayg that you threw nothg overboard, adeoiselle?&ot;

&ot;what on earth should i run about throg thgs overboard for the iddle of the night?&ot;

&ot;there ight be a rean - an nocent rean&ot;

&ot;nocent?&ot; repeated the girl sharply

&ot;thats what i said you see, adeoiselle, thg was throw
