關燈 巨大 直達底部

oung an directed a baleful glance after her

the hall of the hotel poirot enuntered jacele de bellefort 射 was dressed ridg clothes 射 gave hi an ironical little bow &ot;i gog donkey ridg do you rend the native villas, onsieur poirot?&ot;

&ot;is that your excursion today, adeoiselle? eh bien, they are picturese - but do not spend lar s on native curios&ot;

&ot;which are shipped here fro europe? no, i a not easy to deceive as that&ot; with a little nod 射 passed out to the brilliant sunshe

poirot pleted his packg - a very siple affair, sce his possessions were always the ost ticulo order then he repaired to the dg-roo and ate an early nch

after nch the hotel b took the passenrs for the send cataract to the station where they were to catch the daily express fro cairo on to 射llвl - a ten-ute run

the allertons, poirot, the young an the dirty flannel troers and the italian were the passenrs rs otterbourne and her daughter had ade the expedition to the da and to philae and would jo the stear at 射llвl

the tra fro cairo and xor was about enty utes late however, it arrived at last, and the ual scenes of wild activity ourred native porters takg suitcases out of the tra llided with other porters puttg the fally, what breathless, poirot found hiself, with an asrtnt of his own, the allertons and totally unknown gga, one partnt, while ti and his other were elsewhere with the reas of the asrted bagga the partnt which poirot found hiself w
