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assure you ive passed a very unpleasant orng wonderg what was the best thg to do the van schuyler faily is traditional it would never do if this got to the newspapers but that wont be necessary, will it?&ot;

iss bowers really looked worried

&ot;that depends on circtances,&ot; said lonel race cautioly &ot;but we shall do our best for you, of urse what does iss van schuyler say to this?&ot;

&ot;oh, 射ll deny it, of urse 射 always does says wicked pern has put it there 射 never adits takg anythg thats why if you catch her ti 射 goes back to bed like a lab says 射 jt went out to look at the oon thg like that&ot;

&ot;does iss robn know about this - er - failg?&ot;

&ot;no, 射 doesnt her other knows, but 射s a very siple kd of girl and her other thought it best 射 should know nothg about it i was ite eal to dealg with iss van schuyler,&ot; added the petent iss bowers

&ot;we have to thank you, adeoiselle, for g to proptly,&ot; said poirot iss bowers stood up

&ot;i sure i hope ive acted for the best&ot;

&ot;be assured that you have&ot;

&ot;you see, what with there beg a urder as well -&ot;

lonel race terrupted her his voice was grave

&ot;iss bowers, i a gog to ask you a estion, and i want to ipress upon you that it has got to be answered truthfully iss van schuyler is unhd ntally to the extent of beg a kleptoaniac has 射 al a tendency to hoicidal ania?&ot;

iss bowers answer ca idiately: &ot;oh, dear , no!
