關燈 巨大 直達底部

rk girl - her na is de bellefort - is the girl who was engad to sion doyle its rather awkward for the - etg like this&ot;

&ot;it is awkward - yes,&ot; agreed poirot

rs allerton shot a ick glance at hi

&ot;you know, it ay und foolish, but 射 alost frightened 射 looked - tense&ot;

poirot nodded his head slowly

&ot;you were not far wrong, ada a great force of eotion is always frighteng&ot;

&ot;do people terest you too, onsieur poirot? or do you reserve your terest for potential crials?&ot;

&ot;ada - that category would not leave any people outside it&ot;

rs allerton looked a trifle startled

&ot;do you really an that?&ot;

&ot;given the particular centive, that is to say,&ot; poirot added

&ot;which would differ?&ot;


rs allerton hesitated - a little sile on her lips

&ot;even i perhaps?&ot;

&ot;others, ada, are particularly ruthless when their children are danr&ot;

射 said gravely, &ot;i thk thats true - yes, youre ite right&ot;

射 was silent a ute or o, then 射 said, silg: &ot;i tryg to ia otives for cri suitable for everyone the hotel its ite entertag sion doyle for stance?&ot;

poirot said, silg: &ot;a very siple cri - a direct shortcut to his objective no subtlety about it&ot;

&ot;and therefore very easily detected?&ot;

&ot;yes; he would not be nio&ot;

&ot;and l?&ot;

&ot;that would be like the een your alice w
