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&ot;i return three utes,&ot; he said &ot;and then - positively-you go!&ot;

they heard hi stupg down the deck

sion doyle looked fro one to the other of the irgly

&ot;yes,&ot; he said, &ot;what is it?&ot;

&ot;a very little thg,&ot; race replied &ot;jt now, when the stewards were reportg to , they ntioned that signor richetti had been particularly trouble you said that that didnt surprise you, as you knew he had a bad teper, and that he had been rude to your wife over atter of a telegra now can you tell about that cident?&ot;

&ot;easily it was at wвdi halfa wed jt e back fro the send cataract l thought 射 saw a telegra for her stickg up on the board 射d fotten, you see, that 射 wasnt called ridway any lonr, and richetti and ridway do look rather alike when written an atrocio handwritg 射 tore it open, uldnt ake head or tail of it, and was puzzlg over it when this fellow richetti ca along, fairly tore it out of her hand and gibbered with ra 射 went after hi to apologize and he was frightfully rude to her about it&ot;

race drew a deep breath

&ot;and do you know at all, r doyle, what was that telegra?&ot;

&ot;yes, l read part of it out aloud it said -&ot;

he paed there was a otion outside a high-pitched voice was rapidly approachg

&ot;where are onsieur poirot and lonel race? i t see the idiately! it is ost iportant i have vital ration i - are they with r doyle?&ot;

bessner had not closed the d
