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到腎上腺素在起起落落。熬到7點鐘,給林晰發訊息說“今天加班,可能要很晚才能到家。”心裡竟然有種離別之感。時間將近9點的時候,我在公司的洗手間裡補了妝,襯衣領口的扣子解開兩顆,想想又扣回去了。想對著鏡子練一會兒要講的話,但腦子裡亂糟糟的,一點頭緒也沒有。那個時候才發現根本不知道自己定下這個date with the devil究竟為的是什麼。墨跡了半小時,決定去了再說,畢竟是公共場合,我還有退路。




“When I first saw you; you looked like a crazy teenage model protected by a knight in Prada。 And the 2nd time; you suddenly turned to a Cinderella running away before the midnight for her true love…”

“Am I that shallow?” 我反問,“But I’m really impressed that you still remember every details about a girl you met 4 years ago。”

“I have a good memory;” 他有點得意,“I can call the name of each staff in this building。”

“Because they all have a badge on their uniform with their name on it?”我完全放開了,跟他開起玩笑。

他笑起來,然後正色說到: “I am a guy devoted to the pursuit of pleasure; but first of all a business man。 You know it’s impossible for me to mix up the business and the girls。 So let’s get the things straight; what do you want for tonight?”

我想了想回答:“Actually; I have never thought about spending night here。 I’m only hoping you ret