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and giggling as she ate; it was obvious that at least she was in a good mood。

……… Page 53………

Granddad ate plenty; even for him; but I couldn't tell what he was thinking。 He was back to

looking more granite than human。 Me; I'd started tuning

in to the fact that this dinner could be more than awkward — it could be trouble。 Those rotten

eggs were back from the grave; looming large and

smelly right over my head。

Sure; Granddad knew; but no one else in my family did。 What if it came up at dinner? I'd be

dead; fried; cluck…faced meat。

Later; as I was brushing my teeth; I considered bribing Juli。 Getting her on board so that

nobody brought up the subject of eggs。 Or maybe I could

sabotage the dinner somehow。 Make it not happen。 Yeah; I could — I stopped myself and

looked in the mirror。 What kind of wimp was I; anyway? I

spit and headed back to find my mom。

“What is it; honey?” she asked me as she wiped off the griddle。 “You look worried。”

I double…checked to make sure my dad or Lyta wasn't lurking around somewhere; then

whispered; “Will you swear to secrecy?”

She laughed。 “I don't know about that。”

I just waited。

“What can be …;” she said; then looked at me and stopped cleaning。 “Oh; it is serious。

Honey; what's wrong?”

It had been ages since I'd voluntarily fessed up about something to my mom。 It just didn't

seem nece