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第70章 啞書 The Dumb Book


And here is a nettle: what may its leaves tell us? what might he have thought when he plucked and kept it?


here is a little snowdrop out of the solitary wood; here is an 常綠植物 from the flower-pot at the tavern; and here is a simple blade of grass.

丁香花把它清新芬芳的花朵垂在死者的頭上;燕子又飛過去了 ——“嘰嘰,嘰嘰”;現在人們拿著錘子和釘子來了,棺蓋被蓋在了死者身上,而他的頭枕在那本啞書上 —— 這本被長久珍視的書,如今永遠合上了!

the lilac bends its fresh fragrant flowers over the dead man’s head; the swallow passes again— “twit, twit;” now the men e with hammer and nails, the lid is placed over the dead man, while his head rests on the dumb book — so long cherished, now closed for ever!